Wednesday, 16 January 2008

First visit (and snow) of the season

The first trip out to Argentière this winter was at the very beginning of December. A mere 1250 miles or so from Glencoe in the Scottish Highlands and 22 hours of driving only to find that the sale hadn't been completed on target. However, some very grateful goodwill from the previous owners and we were able to get the apartment set up for the winter season. Not before some early season boarding on the Grand Montets of course...

Throughout the course of the week the snow arrived - big time. A shame I didn't bring the children along as they would have loved the falling snow and the Christmas lights in the village.

The garage came in handy. The Vito long wheel base fits with an inch or 2 to spare! And we did discover that making use of the garage is a good idea when there's a big fall forecast as I doubt the plough worries about the odd vehicle or 2 in its way. Makes short work of it, even if there is a good foot or so piled up against the garage door!

But, despite something like 3 feet of snow falling during our stay, the weather did clear from time to time and the views from the apartment were absolutely stunning when it did. Leaving Argentière to head back to the Highlands wasn't so easy- but we'll be back again soon.

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