Friday, 22 October 2010

All change in Argentiere

Some welcome improvements to the village of Argentiere are under way at the moment. First is the complete refurbishment of the village 'square', outside the Mairie and the Office Bar.

The Mairie, Argentiere.

Although in the centre of the village and effectively being the focal point, the open area was always a bit lacking, dominated by a cash point lobby and a defunct chalet office.

New steps replace the defunct chalet office.

But no more! These buildings have been cleared, new steps added, and a more organised open communal space created.

But does anyone know if there's going to be a replacement cash point?!

Elsewhere, the road junction to the Grand Montets car park is being rebuilt. Again, hopefully this will improve the busy junction and perhaps set the tone for more improvements planned for the Grand Montets car park and lifts in the next few years.